Remember the Five

Committee Updates

May 27, 2024

  • Muse Concrete has submitted a proposal to build the memorial! We will meet with them next week. Boyce Muse graduated from EHS several years after the class of 1969.
  • We continue to fund-raise in anticipation of construction of the memorial. We are currently planning for our annual fall RT5 Golf Tournament, September 28, 2024 at Gold Hills. Let us know if you’d like to play or contribute to the silent auction and tournament fund-raising efforts.
  • Over the last 5 years, at their 50-year reunions, the classes of 1970, ’71, ’72, ’73 and ’74 have all contributed to our fundraising efforts. Their class donations range from $1500 – $2000 each year. We hope to match those numbers this year by setting a goal of raising over $2000 during our reunion. We ask each classmate who is willing to donate at least $25 to the Memorial Fund. We will have donation jars available Sunday at the picnic, or you can mail tax-deductible contributions to Remember The 5, c/o Enterprise High School, 3411 Churn Creek Road, Redding, CA 96002. We are grateful to all of you who will pitch in to help bring these efforts to a conclusion. Thank you!
  • Our goal is to finish construction of the memorial by the end of this year.
  • The large outdoor television screen has been installed at the fountain site. See photo on website.
  • 5 beautiful plaques have arrived. We will share them at the reunion on Sunday.
  • The memorial sculpture is finished. We will display photos.
  • Nichols, Melburg and Rossetto has completed the plans for construction and provided us with a beautiful artist’s rendering which we also will display Sunday.
  • EHS English teacher Dr. Jeanne Forrest has included parts of our curriculum in her classes this year.
  • Our on-campus team member Tonya Waterman has been incredibly busy with the golf tournament preparation, designing and producing our promotional “card” (mailed to classmates) and numerous other activities. She is a wonder – we are so grateful for her leadership and perseverance.
  • We have recently updated our website – it has all the latest information, the 10-minute video and more. Check it out at This month we will add two videos: (1) The history of Enterprise High School which details its construction and first 25 years and (2) The Fryer family video of Redding in the late 60’s. It’s a great trip down memory lane. Be sure to check them out!
  • Our bank account is at $25,000.00 today. We anticipate raising another $25,000.00 this year to help pay for construction costs.
  • We encourage you to order a memorial brick in support of the project. We are marketing them to all seniors at EHS this year. We will have order forms at the reunion, which you can mail to us, or they are available on the website. It’s a great way to be part of the project.

We are especially grateful for the role each girl’s family and the school administration has played in this entire process. They have been remarkably supportive of our efforts. We invite all our classmates and friends to share written memories of high school, especially about each of the five. Our plan is to archive friend and family memories and post them on the web page. We have already received some great submissions and look forward to more.

It has been a project which has required much patience and perseverance, with lots of challenges and amazing support from throughout our community. We are grateful to those of you who have contributed!