Remember the Five Memorial at EHS
Remember the Five Committee
Texting while driving takes your eyes off the road for 5 seconds on the average. At 55 mph, that's like traveling the length of a football field blindfolded.
“Nothing is of greater importance than the conservation of human life.” – Calvin Coolidge
More than half of teens killed in crashes were not wearing seat belts.
Drive as if every child on the street were your own.
Of the 4000 teens who die and the 400,000 who are seriously injured annually – 50% are passengers!
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Remember The Five

Updates from the RT5 Committee, September 24, 2024

  • We have completed the memorial – it was finished in time for the first day of school! Thanks to Muse Concrete for their great work and all our community supporters!
  • Our annual RT5 Golf Tournament is this Saturday, September 28 at Gold Hills. Let us know if you’d like to play or contribute an item for the silent auction. Sunday we will dedicate the memorial at EHS starting at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome!
  • Phase 2 of our project will be the landscaping in the memorial area, and will include bricks and shrubbery. We encourage you to order a memorial brick in support of the project. We are marketing them to all seniors at EHS this year. We will have order forms at the dedication, which you can mail to us, or they are available on the website. It’s a great way to be part of the project.

We are especially grateful for the role each girl’s family and the school administration has played in this entire process. They have been remarkably supportive of our efforts. We invite all our classmates and friends to share written memories of high school, especially about each of the five. Our plan is to archive friend and family memories and post them on the web page. We have already received some great submissions and look forward to more.It has been a project which has required much patience and perseverance, with lots of challenges and amazing support from throughout our community. We are grateful to those of you who have contributed!

The Story

On Saturday, September 28, 1968, five Enterprise High School senior girls were en route to Susanville for a football game at Lassen High. The driver of the car was a 19 year-old friend of one of the girls. Three of the girls were cheerleaders/song leaders for the school, one was the Hornet mascot, and one was involved in student government…

Our Mission

We will promote a program of curriculum, scholarship and community connections that provides high school students with tools and resources to make wise life decisions throughout their lives.

How you can help.

If you are a teen, take care of your peers. If you are a parent, listen carefully to and talk to your teen. If you are a member of our community, join us in our efforts to save a life. Join us in providing scholarships for those who are making a difference. Just one life saved makes everything we do worth doing. Spread the message! 

Share with us your insights and inspirations about how we can improve our vision and goals. Partner with us as we envision a better world.