Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Remember the 5 is a committee loosely made up of Enterprise High graduates, many from the class of 1969. In response to the concerns of our classmates, we are committed to rebuilding the memorial fountain at Enterprise High School. More than that, we will award annual scholarships in the name of our five classmates/friends/sisters. We are also developing curriculum to help today’s students make wise decisions as they are faced with the challenges of driving/riding in cars, and in navigation.

The primary reason we are engaged in this project began with a discussion at the EHS class of ’69 reunion in May of 2019. Class members were concerned about the maintenance and state of repair/care of the fountain. Two classmates and a brother of one of the girls began meeting to discuss how to propose appropriate changes at Enterprise High. Soon, we were joined by several other interested EHS community members and were expanding our vision of what we could do to honor the girls. First, we thought that scholarships in their name would be a good way to encourage the message implied by the memorial; second, we felt curriculum which would allow current students to recognize the problem and wisely address the issue of driving responsibly was essential; and finally, recreating the space where the memorial fountain is located into a magnet area for the students at EHS – a place where they would naturally be drawn to – an on-campus space that promotes the idea of safe driving and good choices through visual mediums and appropriate messages would be the catalyst that would help create a healthy culture. There is no drivers’ education course at EHS today – no instruction or discussion about driving wisely and well. This year, the school has started a club, called Remember the 5, with the express purpose of empowering students to take care of one another through good practical decision-making. Our intent is to work with the English Department and the club to share resources and engage in frank student-centered discussions about all the ramifications of high school driving. We have partnered with community members, many of whom are EHS alumni, to achieve our goals, including Guiton’s Pools, McHale’s Signs, Nichols Mehlburg and Rossetto, Mike Lander Landscaping and Pusher Inc. Video. Enterprise High School Administration, staff and students are our foremost supporters. In short, we are raising money for a project which supports/educates today’s students, and honors our classmates.

Our goals are simple: 1. Establishing perpetual scholarships in the name of Debbie, Donna, Jennifer, Kathy and Shelley recognizing seniors who have endeavored to make the world a better place, starting with safe driving practices and wise decision-making at Enterprise High School; (2) develop curriculum which engages students at EHS and promotes safe and healthy choices, and (3) to rebuild the memorial fountain with the intent of creating a culture on campus that promotes these ideas. SAVE ONE LIFE!!

Members throughout our Redding area community support the project. Family members of all five girls attended our ceremonial groundbreaking and are in full support. Many members of the EHS Class of ’69, and more than a dozen other EHS alumni groups are contributing to the cause.