From the families...

From the families...

Debby loved family, friends, school, and horses. She was beautiful, independent and passionate in her beliefs – a shining star whose light was taken much too soon. That light and love remains forever in our hearts.

Jennifer was a joy to all who knew her. She was warm, outgoing and compassionate. With her non-stop humor and positive outlook on life, she made everything fun. Jen was irrepressible. With Jennifer, every day was an adventure. She wanted to experience everything she could and had an insatiable lust for life. Hers was a life well-lived. She was the sunshine of our lives.

Oh, how we miss you so Shelley. Your radiant smile and energy, your sense of humor, your caring and compassionate way. Your confidence and love for others lives on in us. A beautiful gift from God, you filled our hearts with joy. Your passion for life lives on. While we have grown closer with the passing of time, each of our hearts has a void. Thank you for all the love and joy you brought into our lives. We hold on to every memory.

The loss of Kathy caused a seismic shift in my and my family’s life. September 28, 1968 was the end of taking life for granted, the end of petty bickering and the beginning of a bonding with each other that holds to this day. My siblings are my best friends.

She is still my little sister. She lives in my mind and heart. I have held tight to the memory of her – her sense of humor, her biting sarcasm, her gentle and loving hand as she petted the dog or her horse, her long beautiful legs and her naturally streaked blonde hair. She was the beauty in the family. She was sometimes sassy and didn’t always want to share or comply, but that was the exception rather than the rule. She had tons of friends – many of whom have kept in contact with us to this day. She is well-loved.

Donna was a free spirit, undefined and unconfined by convention. Intelligent, beautiful, thoughtful, adventurous and fearless, she held strong opinions and had faith in her convictions. Ever searching and restless, never complacent, like a force of nature she could be as unpredictable and tempestuous as a winter storm or as warm and calming as a spring morning.

Our History

After our senior year, the class chose to build a memorial fountain in memory of the girls. Twenty years later, led by classmates, it was determined that the fountain needed refurbishing, and it was rebuilt. Both these efforts included support from the members of the class and community. At the fifty year reunion of the class, several class members expressed concern about the maintenance and condition of the fountain. Two class members and a brother of one of the girls  began the process of planning a second rebuild of the fountain. We were astonished about how many EHS grads had no idea that there was a memorial fountain on campus. During that time, we also decided to develop scholarships in honor of the girls. Additionally, we began to create a video that told the story and could serve as a catalyst for curriculum – which we are now working on with the school. 

Since our inception in 2021, our group has been meeting regularly at Enterprise High, developing our plans to rebuild the fountain, award scholarships and create curriculum at the school. We have publicized our efforts through local media, met with and presented to community groups, written grant applications and have shared our information and materials at school and community events. We are especially indebted to Pat Corey at McHale’s Signs, Deven Carter at Nichols, Mehlburg and Rossetto, John Martin Streeby, Mike Lander Landscaping, Boundary Waters, JF Shea, Tom Allen of Guiton’s Pool and several others who have helped us move forward. We have joined forces with Impact Teen Drivers in Sacramento, a nationally recognized organization with goals parallel to ours. We are fundraising by selling bricks, t-shirts and bumper stickers and have had contributions from the families, alumni and the community totaling $40,000.00 to date. In addition to awarding scholarships and developing curriculum, our primary goal is to rebuild the fountain in a manner that every EHS student will know and understand the story. Our goals include continuing to award more scholarships in the girls’ names, and introduce curriculum in the fall. We invite all community members to join us!


Rod Tessier

Rod Tessier graduated from Enterprise High School in 1971. He was born and raised and still lives in Redding with his wife Lori. He was a sophomore when the girls were killed in the car accident on September 28th, 1968. He remembers it really affected the whole student body, and is grateful for the opportunity to help with the Remember the 5 Group in getting information to the students of today so that no one will have to die so needlessly in a car accident due to distracted driving. Rod likes giving back to the community and was on the Board of Kool April Nites for many years. In his spare time Rod works on his 31 Model A and likes going to car shows.

Steve Main

Steve is an Enterprise High Class of 1969 graduate. After 45 years teaching high school, he retired. With classmate Ed Sandberg and brother Scott Roberts, he began this project in 2019. In his free time, Steve is still coaching at West Valley High, and enjoys managing the yard of his childhood home on Wilshire Drive where he lives with his wife Jolie and children Bryce and Molly. He is very excited about the opportunity “Remember the 5” has to make a difference in the lives of high school students.

Carol Maddox

Carol is a Shasta High School grad class of “74”. She worked 30+ years in the education field. She retired in 2020 from Shasta County Office Of Education. She is married to Curt Maddox, with two children, and five grandchildren. Carol is very committed to the goals of Remember The Five, the foremost being to “ Save One Life”.

Curt Maddox

Curt was born in Glendale, CA in 1955. The family moved to Redding in 1965. After graduating from Enterprise in 1973, he enrolled at Sac State, where he completed 3 degrees and 2 teaching credentials. Curt was a teacher for 10 years, later moving on from teaching to become a small business owner. He retired in 2020. He and his wife Carol have two children and five grandchildren. Curt is dedicated to the RT5 project, primarily in the hope that he can affect change that will save one life. Curt Maddox passed away on November 19, 2022.

Mark Twitchell

After graduation from EHS, he attended UC San Diego and later UC Berkeley, graduating with a BS in Psychology.  After working as a group parent at a home treatment center for behaviorally disturbed children in Modesto, he decided to return to college for a Master’s degree.  He graduated from San Diego State in 1978 with his degree in Clinical Psychology.  He completed his Master’s thesis while working as a logger in Oak Run, CA.  Once final graduation was granted, he worked at Shasta College, giving aptitude tests to incoming students.  After completing an internship at Shasta County Mental Health, he worked at 2 home treatment centers for teenagers.  In 1980, he accepted a job at a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, continuing that until 1998, when legislative changes ended this field in California.  He worked as a Vocational expert on many civil and Worker’s Compensation cases in the Shasta County area.  In 1998, he went to work as a Vocational Case Manager until retirement in 2019, after working for several insurance carriers (the job and office were the same, just the carriers changed). He’s a ham radio operator, a mountain biker, and a member of the Remember The Five committee.

Gherald Tessier

Gherald graduated from Enterprise in 1969 – a classmate of the 5 girls. After high school he spent four years in the Navy and has spent much of his life working in home centers and hardware stores in the northstate. He is always proud to be a Hornet.

Mission, Vision and Goals


We will create a program of curriculum, scholarship and community connections that provides high school students with tools and resources to make wise life decisions throughout their lives


We will help build and maintain a culture that Remembers the Five and strives to save one life. Through development of information at the site of the September 28, 1968 accident, through student-centered curriculum and scholarship, through engagement with the community, through the creation of a memorial plaza at the school, and through a collaborative relationship with Enterprise High School, the Shasta Union High School District and the Shasta County Superintendent of Schools and beyond, we will design and create exemplary safe-driving programs which save lives.


  • EHS Remember the Five Memorial – Replace the fountain with an attractive gathering spot for all students, a site which allows for reflection and serves as a memorial for the five girls.
  • Curriculum – Create an exemplary and adaptable 3-year cycle program of contemporary speakers, school-wide programs and classroom activities, all for the purpose of providing students with resources to help them recognize and make good choices when in a driving situation which is unsafe or potentially dangerous.
  • Scholarships – Recognize students who are improving the EHS culture and safe driving awareness through annual Remember the Five Scholarships.
  • Site Marking – Identify the site of the accident and provide information promoting Remember the Five goals at the site.
  • Fundraising – Collaborate with community groups and individuals to raise money for all project goals.
  • Budget- To be determined after finalizing the plans for the memorial.
  • Video – Tell the story of the accident and introduce our 5 classmates to today’s generation – ultimately to provide a linchpin for the curriculum and awareness of the issue.
  • Communication – (1) Keep the community informed and involved with the committee’s goals, plans and progress, (2) Keep all members of the committee, PTSA and school personnel and students informed about committee business, and (3) Promote the education of all stake-holders regarding the awareness and acceptance of the curriculum and committee goals.